
What Is Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy in dentistry is an advanced and innovative technique offered by Dr. Michaela Tozzi and Dr. Tom Lawler, trusted dentists in Las Vegas, NV. Laser therapy involves the use of focused beams of light energy to perform a variety of dental procedures. This technology offers numerous benefits, including precise and minimally invasive treatments, reduced discomfort, and faster healing times. With laser therapy, Dr. Tozzi and Dr. Lawler can effectively treat gum disease, remove decay, perform soft tissue surgeries, and even whiten teeth. The versatility and precision of laser technology allow for more targeted and efficient dental care, promoting optimal oral health and enhancing the overall patient experience.

How Effective is Laser Therapy in Cold Sore Treatment?

You know how painful and unsightly they can be if you suffer from cold sores. Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to treat this specific condition. Here are some reasons why:
  • Painless procedure that can take only a few minutes to complete
  • Non-invasive treatment, which does not require incisions or sutures 
  • Reduces the risk of infection and eliminates the need for a lengthy recovery time
  • High success rate as a focused beam of light targets the virus, destroying it and reducing the severity of the outbreak
  • Help the skin to heal without leaving behind visible scars
  • Safe and effective treatment, approved by the FDA and used by dental professionals to treat many oral health conditions

Book an Appointment with your dentist in Las Vegas, NV Today.

Consulting your Las Vegas dentist before considering any form of dental laser therapy is crucial. If you're looking for laser dentistry in Las Vegas, get more details from us to make a well-informed decision.